(Al Baker's 1929 SAM #1 Membership card)

If you have any stories, photos or other information to share about Al Baker, please contact us!

The amazing photo album of Al Baker memorabilia (under construction) All Images are (C)2003 Joe Quitoni, Al Baker Assembly #35 president.
M-U-M magazine- September 1982 issue article on Al Baker, with SAM 35 member Walter Gibson
Tops Magazine- 1948 article on Al Baker
Al Baker Honored at Dean of American Magicians- 1943 Dinner at Assembly #4, Philadelphia, PA
The Secret Ways of Al Baker is at the printer and expected back late April. The book is 912 pages with over 700 illustrations.
Magical Past Times - Al Baker's Chautauqua Season, 1927
Al Baker items at Tannen's Magic Shop Online

New Al Baker Book

The Secret Ways of Al Baker is at the printer and expected back late April (2003). The book is 912 pages with over 700 illustrations. Check out the table of contents on our site. The book has all of Baker's books and almost every effect he released, plus a lot more, including essays by Teller, Eugene Burger, John Carney, and Jay Marshall.  ~Todd Karr

For me, Al Baker has been a source of deep magical inspiration. I consider Al Baker to be one of the giants of twentieth-century magic. 
~Eugene Burger